
What Is ABC Analysis – Formula and Benefits of ABC Analysis

What Is ABC Analysis?

ABC analysis full form is Always Better Control. It is often known as the ABC classification or Pareto analysis. ABC analysis is a strategic inventory management tool.

It categorizes items by the extent of their need, thus enabling organizations to distribute their resources effectively. The method derives its name from its three categories. However, identifying these three classes by their serial numbers – A, B, and C- is primarily possible.

  • Category A (High Value): These resources are relatively few in the store yet carry large proportions of the sales proportion. Such resource adjustments need a lot of supervision and proper management if they are to be controlled.
  • Category B (Medium Value): These items are inconclusive and, therefore, lie in between. They are relevant but not to the same extent as Category A items.
  • Category C (Low Value): They form a significant part of the inventory. However, they give little value in terms of sales revenue. They can be inexpensive and found at lower priority levels.

How to Calculate ABC Analysis?

The ABC analysis formula considers filtering items based on their Annual Consumption Value (ACV). The ACV usually refers to the cost or revenue.

Here’s how you can calculate it:

  • Calculate the Annual Consumption Value (ACV) for each item:

                                           ACV = Annual Demand × Cost per Unit

  • List all items and their ACV in descending order.
  • Calculate the total ACV of all items:

                                          Total ACV = ∑ (ACV of each item)

  1. Calculate the cumulative percentage of the total ACV and the cumulative percentage of the total number of items.
  2. Classify items into A, B, and C categories based on the cumulative percentage of the total ACV:
  • A items: The top 70-80% of the total ACV, representing about 10-20% of the total number of items.
  • B items: The next 15-25% of the total ACV, representing about 30% of the total number of items.
  • C items: The last 5-10% of the total ACV, representing about 50% of the total number of items.

Example of ABC Analysis

To understand this further better and clearer, let’s take an ABC Analysis Example of an electronics retailer and its items:

  • Category A: High-end smartphones (Presents 10% of items but occupies 70% of the revenue).
  • Category B: Mid-range headphones (Presents 20% of items and occupies 20% of the revenue).
  • Category C: USB cables (Presents 70% of items but occupies 10% of the revenue).

ABC classification Process of Implementation

The ABC Analysis Implementation can be carried out in 4 easy steps:

  • Data Collection: Collect data on how frequently the items are being used, how much it costs to offer them, and how much is generated from them.
  • Ranking: Organize all the items based on their available capital value or the ACV. 
  • Categorization: Divide products into three groups: A, B, and C. 
  • Resource Allocation: Allocate time, effort, and space proportionately.

Benefits of ABC Analysis in Inventory Management

The following are the core benefits of ABC inventory analysis in inventory management:

  • Optimized Resource Allocation: ABC classification directs attention and resources to useful and valuable items.
  • Reduced Costs: It aids businesses in managing inventory effectively so that they can minimize carrying and warehouse costs.
  • Improved Decision-Making: ABC Analysis also facilitates prioritizing stock control and procurement as well.

Best Practices for ABC classification

The best practices for ABC Analysis are as follows:

  • Regular Review: The classifications should be updated as and when changes occur.
  • Collaboration: Engage the stakeholders in the purchasing, sales, and finances segments.
  • Integration: Integrate ABC analysis with other inventory management tools.

How ABC Analysis Helps in Inventory Management

ABC Analysis facilitates amazingly in the inventory management. Here is how:

  • Demand Forecasting: It helps in predicting exactly based on historical records.
  • Risk mitigation: Determine the critical items that may be in short supply.
  • Inventory Turnover: Stock turnovers are managed by enhancing their rates.

Challenges and Difficulties in Pareto analysis

Everything has two facets: solutions and challenges. Here are the top challenges and difficulties that occur in the ABC Analysis:

  • Data Accuracy: Credible data must be used.
  • Dynamic Nature: Item classifications that may have existed sometime in the past may not be the same today.
  • Subjectivity: Some amount of judgment is indeed made when categorizing things.

In a Nutshell

To sum up, ABC Analysis in Inventory management l helps in the administration of inventories through the categorization of the different items depending on their worth. Organizations can improve their productivity, minimize expenses, and make the right decisions through this method.

That is why Pareto analysis is essential to know your inventory’s ABCs!


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